Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone Review

The Shadow and Bone series follows Alina who finds that she is a sun summoner and because of that she is taken to the darkling who takes her to the palace to meet the king.

Days pass by as she tries to learn how to use her powers and one day she figures out the reason why she couldn’t bring forth her power was that she was mentally holding back and she decides to let that go.

One day Baghra who was the one teaching her, reveals that the Darkling wants to find a special stag so that he could use its antlers to control her so he could become more powerful than before.

Alina packs and sneaks out but she almost gets caught and she meets back with her childhood friend Mal who decides to help her.

They needed to find the stag before the Darkling’s men did so that Alina could use the antlers to become more powerful and defeat him once and for all.

When they find the stag, Alina spares its life but it’s killed by the darkling who suddenly arrives and captures Mal and puts a collar made out of the state’s antlers to put on Alina.

As they go across the shadow fold, Alina is able to resist the collar’s magic then she uses her magic to free Mal and they escape.

The book was written astonishingly well.

With a story that immediately captured my attention to the point where I didn’t want to put it down.

The characters were also very well written, especially the character development of Alina.

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