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How to effectively read during lockdown

How to Effectively Read During Lockdown with only 5 Simple Steps

Where we all expected this pandemic to bring us enough free time to indulge in our favorite hobbies, it has become almost impossible to sit down and effectively read during lockdown. This has the most significant effect on how we consume media, especially books that are effectively rendered with our

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10 Proven Tips to Read Books Faster

Reading isn’t just the old concept where you pick up any other book off the rack, stick to your favorite ones, and indulge in endless rereads and story characters that make it harder to let go of it. Nowadays, as the world is improving at an unprecedented rate, you also

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8 Ways to Read 100 Books in a Year

8 Ways to Read 100 Books in a Year

Whether it is a fiction or non-fiction book that entices you to stay up at night, considering the fast and busy life it is hard to keep up with your love for reading. Where you used to finish one book per day, it is now impossible to finish a single

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