Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review

The second book follows the characters back to their second year and now Harry is a bit more informed but not as much as his wizard family friend Ron and knows it is Hermione.
Harry gets informed that their school is gonna be in danger this year by a house-elf but Harry decides to ignore it thinking that it’s a prank.

Throughout the whole year, an old legend is repeated and the main three figure it out in the cost that Hermione freezes so harry and Ron go to the teacher appointed to the work but are disappointed to find that he is a fraud and again they do it themselves.

During the books at least there is one time that most of the students start to avoid harry or are mad at him but in the end, he proves their suspicions wrong and saves the entire school while putting himself in danger which mostly happens because of his backstory and deadly curiosity that often puts him in risk and constant danger of suspension which he narrowly avoids every time but still gets countless warnings.




On Key

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