Month: June 2021

8 Must-read Mangas That No One Talks About

8 Must-read Mangas That Absolutely No One Talks About

Every day you see new must-read mangas on the bookstores shines through the shelves to make manga lovers go head over heels for them. In fact, Manga is one of the most famous pop cultures of the Japanese of all time.  However, mangas like Death Note, My Hero Academia, and

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Whiskey Peak

Journey to the Kingdom of Arabasta – Whiskey Peak

In the Journey to the Kingdom of Arabasta, the Strawhats reach the reverse mountain or the red line as it is called which is the entrance of the grand line and they ride and climb over it by the strange river that is there. As they are descending, they spot

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Horrible Movies That Ruined Great Books

12 Horrible Movies That Ruined Great Books

Whether you are a cinema lover or a book reader, you must know that not all movies are Jaws, Harry Potter, and The Godfather. Sure, the purpose of movies is to entertain but the adaptation of the two-hour movie doesn’t always come out as you pictured it to. This often

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Lost In The Never Woods-fantasy-doitwriters
Aiden Thomas

Lost In The Never Woods Review

In Lost In The Never Woods, Wendy Darling had gone missing when she was thirteen years old along with her two younger brothers but after months, she was the only one who had returned with no memory of the past six months. Five years passed and once again kids started

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Lost In The Never Woods-fantasy-doitwriters
Aiden Thomas

Lost In The Never Woods Summary

*The article contains spoilers from the book: Lost In The Never Woods   Lost In The Never Woods by Aiden Thomas starts with Wendy darling; when she was a kid, she and her brothers had ventured into the woods at night with their pet dog, and only the dog returned

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